
/CVSROOTccess on cvs execution

This is a repost from http://www.whitesquaresoft.com/2006/07/15/cvsrootccess-on-cvs-execution/

I have often had the following issue when connecting to a CVS tree from the command line.

1:  $ cvs up  
2:  /CVSROOTccess /usr/local/cvsroot  
3:  No such file or directory  

The issue is one of line breaks, in that the actual error message that is supposed to be show is:

1:  Cannot access /usr/local/cvsroot  
2:  /CVSROOTNo such file or directory  

So this post is to help all those out there who have experienced the same issue.  I have found that the issue relates to the files in each of the CVS folders (Root, Entries, Repository)  depending on the client you use (in my case eclipse) to create the files, when you use the command line CVS it fails to interperet the files correctly and gets the wrong path.
I’d guess this is only an issue running CVS on cygwin under windows.  So now i’ve recorded it, all u have to do is dos2unix the files in all the CVS folders and it work a treat.

1:  dos2unix `find . -name Root`  
2:  dos2unix `find . -name Entries`  
3:  dos2unix `find . -name Repository`  

Will do the trick.